Cities Forum
30 January 2020 - 31 January 2020
Organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, and the City of Porto
The “CITIES Forum 2020 – “together we shape a sustainable urban future” is a two-day major event of the European Commission bringing together key stakeholders from European, national and local levels. The Forum is a place for all stakeholders to capitalise on common achievements and reflect on the future directions of urban development within Cohesion Policy including the future of the Urban Agenda for the EU.
On the first day, we will touch base and organise two workshops in the City of Porto showcasing how this city works on technology solutions and deals with climate and environmental issues at specific locations in the city. At the same time, a CityLab on balanced territorial development in relation to the renewal of the Leipzig Charter is scheduled. In the afternoon of the first day welcoming words and introductions of high-level speakers will be followed by two panel discussions on “how will the European Urban Initiative support cities” and “shaping the future of sustainable urban development including the Urban Agenda for the EU”.
On the second day several parallel workshops will allow the creation of your own urban workshop ‘menu’. Be inspired by cities presenting good practises making use of European Regional Development Funds, learn more about the outcome of the assessment study on the Urban Agenda for the EU, be prepared for a transition towards a circular economy and the issues cities face related to housing and equal access to services for all. Join in to learn how you can strengthen your local economy by focusing on Jobs&Skills and help us boosting digital transformation in cities and communities. After the workshops Mayors from different EU cities will reflect on their current challenges and will share their visions on the way forward towards better urban policy making and urban investments.
After lunch, we will continue with different sessions highlighting the progress made so far by the Urban Agenda Partnerships, how to localise the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals or be vocal on what you think the European Urban Initiative should focus on.
A small exhibition will also be open to participants where urban organisations and networks host stands, engage and provide information on urban programmes and initiatives.
We very much look forward to your participation in this important event. As space will be limited, we encourage you to register at the earliest opportunity! Please note that priority will be given to those who register early and attend both days.
Please note that for the main plenary sessions (taking place in the Archive Hall) Portuguese, French and German will be interpreted from and into English.