European week for regions and cities
8 October 2018 - 12 October 2018
The Urban Dimension of Global Agendas in the EU
The European response to the 2030 Agenda includes joining up the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to the European policy framework and priorities.
The Urban Agenda for the EU is a key delivery mechanism for the New Urban Agenda within the European Union. The European Commission is also launching a reflection work on the topic and to engage all stakeholders towards full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
DG-JRC and DG-REGIO aim to enhance policy coordination and dissemination of good practices of territorial and urban development. More specifically, DG-JRC contributes to the monitoring and reporting of the urban dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the New Urban Agenda. This is being done through gap analysis and the development of harmonised tools across different spatial scales (from global to sub-national). It will contribute to ensure coherence between the EU action and the Global action on sustainable urban development, and in particular SDG 11, including by facilitating the coordination with Member States.
This initiative builds on the existing collaboration between DG-REGIO and DG-JRC in the field of urban policy, such as: LUISA territorial development model and its adaptation to Africa and other continents, the Territorial Strategies Identification database (URBADEV project), the Urban Data Platform, and the Territorial Dashboard, as well as other JRC projects that serve as input for these platforms.
This workshop aims to discuss how these tools can be used to enhance the contribution of relevant EU policies to the realisation of the 2030 Agenda