Under the theme Building Bridges: From vision to collective action and over the course of a week, efforts will be concentrated on defining actions that will bring to life the commitments made in the Pact for the Future. The Retreat will be the space to identify transversal priorities throughout the network. https://www.arup.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/cities-alive-designing-cities-that-work-for-women
The Cities Forum is a biennial major event of the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, which brings together key urban stakeholders from European, natioanl, regional and local levels.
To identify actions to be taken to improve the human rights situation of Afro-descendants. UN Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet will be speaking about the mid-point review at the Human Rights Council
Opportunities for networking, a variety of plenary sessions, and activities. The diversity of topics, including migration and mobility, well-being, digital security, and professional re-adjustment and development in exile, is aimed at all parts of the ICORN network.