EUROCITIES 2018 Edinburgh

Edinburgh International Conference Centre The Exchange Edinburgh, 150 Morrison St,, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

International Woman’s Day


Right now is a great and important time in history to do everything possible to help forge a more gender-balanced world. Women have come a long way, yet there's still more to be achieved. As the world heads toward International Women's Day, step-by-step planning is underway to celebrate women's achievements and tenaciously challenge bias. The International Women's [...]

Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly Cities Summit

Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya

The global economy and population is growing, but the planet is not. We have to be smarter and more circular in the way we grow our cities where we expect an additional 2.5 billion people by 2050. Already sixty percent of our waste and three quarters of resource use and GHG emissions come from cities [...]

Mayors Summit on the Future of Europe

Brussels, Belgium

EUROCITIES will hold its second mayors summit next 20-21 March 2019 in Brussels to launch its political manifesto ahead of the European elections and to present the results of our cities’ work in bridging the gap between Europe and its citizens. At a time when Europe is striving to retain its legitimacy and relevance, cities [...]

Migration & Integration meeting

The Working Group Migration & Integration will meet from 8 to 10 April 2019 and is hosted by the City of Toulouse. On Monday 8 evening, the participants are invited to attend the exhibition "Frontiers" at the space Diversité Laïcité of Toulouse City Hall at 19.00. On Tuesday 9, we will start at 9.00 with [...]