The Global Parliament of Mayors is a governance body of, for and by mayors. It is based on city rights and empowering mayors, making room for city leadership to give mayors a global voice. As a Member of the GPM, you will have access to a wide range of progressive and active mayors from cities large and small, north and south, developed and emerging. In a landscape of +300 networks, the GPM positions itself as a platform that works together with and acts as a megaphone for other networks towards national governments and international bodies.
The GPM is an action-oriented body committed to amplifying, scaling and coordinating city priorities. It is a city rights movement, composed of progressive city leaders who recognise the complex relationships between global and local challenges and the importance of collective action.
Cities are seen as the drivers of change and have the responsibility and duty to lead cities into a world that solves problems as a collective – all the while learning from one another as cities and mayors in our interdependent world. Mayors have the ability to drive solutions in their cities that are more progressive, faster and more targeted than those put forward at the national level.
There are many robust urban networks that offer research, best practices and city-to-city cooperation. These networks are an indispensable foundation for the work of the GPM. Our goal is to build on the work of these urban networks in specific policy domains and give a common voice to the many distinct and important voices they manifest. Far from displacing such organisations, the GPM aspires to further empower them and provide them with a common arena of collective urban action.
The GPM is thus not another urban network, nor a thematic or a general network. It is a city rights movement. It aims at creating a platform, an assembly of the political leaders of cities (the mayors), to become a voice in the global debate, as global leaders to defend the urban solutions to planetary challenges.
The GPM works virtually through a digital platform. Members are brought together physically at an Annual Summit for city leaders and networks to deliberate as a Parliament. Key decision making processes take place throughout the year and during the Annual Summit.
All Members are granted access to the exclusive GPM Virtual Platform that enables key decision-making processes, communication, discussion and knowledge exchange. The Platform is also used at the GPM’s Annual Summit, enabling all participants to vote simultaneously while giving direct insight into the voting results.
The GPM is founded as a universal body to which all cities—north and south, large and small, developed and emerging—are invited to join as members. There are two forms of membership: as a mayor and as a city. Membership as mayor is limited to the mayor’s term limit in their city. City membership, on the other hand, continues even if the initiating mayor leaves office
It is also possible to join the GPM in “regional coalitions” of several smaller cities. These coalitions may select a mayor to represent them on the GPM floor. Metro regions on the high end of the population scale are also welcome.
Becoming a member of this mayors-only network requires commitment to the basic values of the GPM, being an ambassador for the GPM and its common action policy and payment of the annual membership fee.
The fee ranges from €483 to €7,734 and is based on the GNI and the population size of your city.
Population/Gross National Income per capita | 0-1,035 USD | 1,03-4,085 USD | 4,086-12,615 USD | 12,616 USD |
0 to 100,000 | € 483 | € 967 | € 1.450 | € 1.933 |
100,001 to 500,000 | € 967 | € 1.933 | € 2.900 | € 3.867 |
500,001 to 1,000,000 | € 1.450 | € 2.900 | € 4.350 | € 5.800 |
Above 1,000,001 | € 1.933 | € 3.867 | € 5.800 | € 7.734 |
All Members of the GPM form the General Meeting, who appoint an Executive Committee from their midst. Additionally, there is an Advisory Committee and Secretariat, located in The Hague.
General Meeting
The GPM General Meeting consists all Members of the association, represented by the mayor or highest official agglomerated metropolitan regions. GPM Members are brought together annually by the Summit, held in a different city every year.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the executive body of the GPM Association and is responsible for all issues pertaining to the governance, structure and organisation of the GPM. The members of the Executive Committee are appointed by the General Meeting for a maximum duration of three years.
The Executive Committee meets through online conferencing and, if necessary, face-to-face.
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee is a team of international experts and organisations who work together to advise the Executive Committee and develop content for the GPM.
The Secretariat
The GPM Secretariat, housed in The Hague, serves the GPM in running the daily tasks and manages relationships with stakeholders and the media. The Secretariat also contributes to the content and knowledge of the association and is in close contact with the Executive and Advisory Committees.