First Name* (required)
Surname* (required)
Your E-mail*
Dietary wishes
Special needs Please let us know of any special needs that you may have. A GPM representative will reach out personally to provide any special assistance needed.
Date of arrival* Stavangar Airport. Important! Please type as YYYY-MM-DD.
Flight number arrival* Time of arrival* - local time in Stavanger (GMT+1) 0001020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232400153045 Please select hour & approx. minutes
Date of departure* Stavangar Airport. Important! Please type as YYYY-MM-DD. Time of departure* - local time in Stavanger (GMT+1) 0001020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232400153045 Please select hour & approx. minutes Make us of the shuttle service - from the airport to the hotel and v.v. Yes, I would like to make use of the shuttle serviceNo, I will not need the shuttle service
Hotel I will make/have made a reservation in the Clarion Hotel EnergyI will make my own reservation at...
[group condition-group-hotel] Please enter where you will stay instead. [/group]
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