September 2020
Resolution on Reducing Violence in Cities
28 October 2020 - To align to the UN General Assembly’s focus on reducing urban violence and to deliver the Sustainable Development Goal 16 – “to reduce violence everywhere” [...]
GPM Joins the 40 Days Safer Cities Challenge
Between June and September 2020, more than 60 city councils signed off on the resolution on violence reduction together with 6 city networks representing over 400 metropolitan areas. The GPM is proud to join the 40 [...]
Press Release UN75: UN and Cities of The World
10 September 2020 – The Mayors that gather in the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) urge the United Nations to recognize the important role of cities for a multilateral and rules-based international political system and [...]
July 2020
Re-imagining cities in the COVID-19 era
1 July 2020 - Empty streets in Lima, Peru, during the Coronavirus outbreak, March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic is quietly and radically reconfiguring cities around the world. It has already brought several of the world’s [...]
June 2020
Webinar the Right to Adequate Housing The GPM and the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing organised the webinar to discuss the importance of housing adequacy to ensure protection against COVID-19 and [...]
Safer Cities for All webinar report by UN Habitat & GPM