Program ‘A Governance Revolution Empowering Cities’
24 September
From 14.00 | Registration Clarion Hotel Energy |
12.00 - 14.30 | Optional: guided tour to the Lysefjords |
17.00 | Optional: visit to the exhibition 'Revolution of Dignity' (Stavanger Cultural Center) |
18.00 | Presentation ‘Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award’ Guest of Honour: Mrs. Leah Barber Welcome by Mayor Sagen Helgø (Stavanger) 'Benjamin Barber's legacy' by professor Eric Corijn (GPM Consultative Committee/VU Brussels) Tribute to Dr. Barber by Tom Cochran (USCM) Award presented by Interim Chair GPM Mayor de Lille (Cape Town) Musical Intermezzo UNSONGS by Moddi (Stavanger Cultural Centre) |
19.30 | Welcome reception for Mayors and Invited Guests hosted by the Mayor of Stavanger |
25 September
8.30 | Registration Clarion Hotel Energy |
9.15 | Opening Ceremony and welcome by Mayor Sagen Helgø (Stavanger) Presentation GPM by Interim Chair Steering Committee Mayor de Lille (Cape Town) 'Global partnership: USCM and the GPM' by Mayor Barnett (Rochester Hills/2nd Vice President US Conference of Mayors The GPM and the Creative City by Charles Landry |
10.30 | Coffee break |
11.00 | Plenary mayoral discussions on Empowering Cities and Inclusive Cities Introduction Empowering Cities by Alaina Harkness (Brookings) Panel members: Mayors de Lille (Cape Town), Kurz (Mannheim), Termont (Ghent/EUROCITIES) Introduction Inclusive Cities by professor Eric Corijn (GPM Consultative Committee/VU Brussels) Panel members: Mayors Orlando (Palermo), Rees (Bristol) and Wolusmal (Kandahar) Moderator: Tone Grindland |
12.30 | Lunch and information market |
13.45 | Strategy Sessions on Empowering Cities & Inclusive Cities. Chairs Empowering Cities: Mayors de Lille (Cape Town), Kurz (Mannheim), Termont (Ghent/EUROCITIES), Soulsby (Leicester). Chairs Inclusive Cities: Mayors Rees (Bristol), Wolusmal (Kandahar), Gronkiewicz-Waltz (Warsaw), Adamowicz (Gdansk) Masterclass offered to observers |
15.00 | Coffee break |
15.30 | 2nd Round Strategy Sessions Empowering Cities & Inclusive Cities Masterclass offered to observers |
16.45 | Break & Snack |
17.00 | Plenary action talks |
19.15 | Dinner for Mayors and invited guests hosted by the Mayor of Stavanger |
26 September
8.00 | Registration Clarion Hotel Energy |
8:30 | General Meeting GPM |
10.00 | Plenary mayoral discussions on Resilient Cities and Safe Cities Introduction Resilient Cities by Professor Sheila Foster (GPM Consultative Committee/GeorgetownUniversity) Key note by Mayor Reed (Atlanta) Interview Mayor Reed and mr. David van Raalten (Arcadis) (Video) message Milan Urban Food Policy Pact by Mayor Ribo (Valencia) Introduction Safe Cities by Juma Assiago (UN-Habitat) Panel members: Mayors Orlando (Palermo) and Smolansky (Caracas) Moderator: Tone Grindland |
11.15 | Coffee break |
11.30 | 1st Round Strategy Sessions Resilient Cities and Safe Cities (Co-)chair Resilient Cities: Mayors Reed (Atlanta), Mugasa (Hoima), Krikke (The Hague), Cownie (Des Moines) (Co-)chair Safe Cities: Mayors Sagen Helgø (Stavanger), Szeneczey (Budapest) and Smolansky (Caracas) Masterclass offered to observers |
12.30 | Lunch and information market |
13.30 | 2nd Round Strategy Sessions on Resilient Cities & Safe Cities Masterclass offered to observers |
14.30 | Break |
14.45 | Plenary action talks and GPM Action Plan |
15.30 | Ceremonial Closing by future global citizens |
15.40 | Adjourn |
From 17.00 | Start Nordic Edge Conference Smarter Cities & Communities |
17.00 | Talk show Change Makers: 'What makes a good smart city?' |
The GPM Plenary Sessions present keynote speeches by GPM mayors, urban experts and leading thinkers with discussions addressing the selected GPM issues. In addition to session leaders and moderators, participants include GPM Mayors and their designated support staff, deputy mayors, prospective GPM mayors, NGO representatives, students, registered press and urban experts.
The GPM Strategy Sessions will be chaired and co-chaired by GPM mayors. The Strategy Sessions are open to GPM Mayors and their designated staff support, deputy mayors as agreed with the GPM, session leaders, moderators, experts and the convening team.
Over the two days, concurrent with the Strategy Sessions, urban experts will make presentations and lead workshops for an audience of GPM attendees on topics directly relating to the work of the GPM.
GPM 2017 content themes will be developed by the GPM Consultative Committee. A team of moderators will compile background and session papers. Deadline for submission of materials required for sessions will be set by the moderators. Materials will be available as downloads from the GPM Mayors App.
Only GPM member mayors are eligible to vote on resolutions put forward at Strategy Sessions. The GPM Mayors App (virtual platform) will facilitate voting results.
GPM Hospitality events are by invitation of the GPM and the Mayor of Stavanger, Christine Sagen Helgø.
Invitation to the Kapittel Festival (20-24 September) and Nordic Edge (26-28 September) in Stavanger
Immediately before and after the GPM convening, Stavanger is host to two major events with direct relevance and connectivity to the GPM. Kapittel is Stavanger’s international festival of Literature and Freedom of Speech. It promotes human rights, celebrates freedom of expression and works closely with ICORN, the International Cities of Refuge Network, who’s international headquarters is also located Stavanger. This year’s Kapittel main theme “Revolution” establishes a rewarding context for the GPM convention.
Nordic Edge Expo is the largest smart city event in the Nordics. GPM delegates are invited to take part in this international conference and exhibition covering a broad range of smart city themes addressing the urban challenges that cities and communities are facing. Delegates receive a special discount to the conference if you choose to stay an extra day or two in Stavanger, included free access to the expo, just a short walk from the GPM Convening. (