GPM Annual Summit 2022
Transforming Together: How Cities Must Lead Democratic, Inclusive, and Innovative Global Change
For the first time, the GPM Annual Summit will take place in connection with the World Urban Forum, in Katowice, Poland, and in partnership with the OECD. The GPM Summit will meet the question of a change in an unpredictable world head-on with the theme of “Transforming Together: How Cities Must Lead Democratic, Inclusive and Innovative Change.”
Our cities must find solutions for long developing challenges and rapidly emerging crises. We must offer hope, opportunity, and dignity to the millions who are migrating into our cities from within our countries and across borders. The theme of the World Urban Forum is “Transforming our cities for a Better Urban Future”. The GPM Summit will take on this idea but within the framework of democratic transformation, with a focus on developing and delivering effective and sustainable policy, at a local level, and with particular attention to the opportunities and challenges afforded by migration in its many forms.
The three GPM Summit mayoral debates will advance policy development, exchange, and implementation within this framework, by focusing on People, Policy, and Places.
Debate 1: Welcoming Migrants.This session addresses how cities can address the root causes of migration and how welcoming cities can accommodate the unique needs of different immigrant groups.
Debate 2: Democratic Processes. This session will focus on the evolution of democratic institutions and civil society to include new voices and continue to represent those of existing residents in a way that allows for transparent and accountable governance.
Debate 3: Social Infrastructure. This session will explore approaches to the built environment – with particular attention to housing and transportation – that allow cities to welcome new arrivals and provide sustainable housing and economic opportunity for all residents.
‣ During the day:
- Arrival of the participants at the Summit
- Transportation from Katowice Airport and Krakow Airport to the hotels
‣ 16.00 - 17.00
- Silesian Museum (Dobrowolskiego 1, 40-205).
- Welcome to Mayors, Honorary Members, special guests, and members of the Advisory Committee by the Executive Committee
(Dobrowolskiego 1, 40-205).
‣ 17.00 - 18.00
- Guided tour around the Silesian Museum, the site of a former mine.
‣ 18.00 - 19.00
- Buffet for all participants
‣ 19.30
- Piano Concert by Plamena Mangova and the National Radio Symphonie Orchestra at the Concert Hall Katowice (plac Wojciecha Kilara 1 40-202).
‣ 08.00
- Venue open for participants, the Silesian Museum (Dobrowolskiego 1, 40-205).
‣ 09.00 - 10.00
- Festive opening of the GPM Annual Summit
- Plenary Opening by GPM Chair Mayor Peter Kurz of Mannheim, Germany, and Host City Mayor Marcin Krupa of Katowice, Poland
- Presentation of the Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award Winner
Keynote speakers:
▪︎ Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director UN Habitat
▪︎ Ms. Lamia Kamal Chaoui, OECD Director Center for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions, and Cities
‣ 10.00 - 10.30
- Coffee break
‣ 10.30 - 12.00
Plenary Debate 1: Welcoming Migrants
- This session will outline how cities can address the root causes of migration and how welcoming cities can accommodate the unique needs of different immigrant groups.
- Moderator and introductory statement by Soo-Jin Kim, OECD Head of Urban Policies Unit.
▪︎ Panelists and Experts

‣ 12.00 - 13.30
Lunch break
- (12.45 - 13.15): Optional guided tour in the Silesian Museum
- (12.45 - 13.15): Presentation by the Peace in Our Cities (PiOC) Network to introduce the roadmap to operationalize 11 points of the GPM-PiOC resolution on halving urban violence adopted in June 2020 and endorsed by 60+ mayors and multiple urban networks (optional).
‣ 13.30 - 15.00
Plenary Debate 2: Social Infrastructure
- The session will explore approaches to the built environment, with particular attention to housing and transportation, that allows cities to welcome new arrivals, providing sustainable housing and economic opportunities for all the residents.
- Introductory Statement by Seth Schultz, CEO of Resilience Rising (*to be confirmed).
- Moderator: Amanda Eichel, former ED of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, member of the GPM Advisory Committee (*to be confirmed).
▪︎ Panelists and Experts

‣ 15.00 - 15.30
- Tea break
‣ 15.30 - 17.00
Plenary Debate 3: Democratic Processes
- This last session will focus on the evolution of democratic institutions and civil society, to understand how to include new voices and continue to represent those of the existing residents, in a manner that allows for transparent and accountable governance.
- Opening Statement by Ivo Daalder, President Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Chair GPM Advisory Committee.
- Moderator: Mauricio Rodas, Former Mayor of Quito, Ecuador
▪︎ Panelists and Experts

‣ 17.00 - 17.15
- Plenary wrap up by Mayor Peter Kurz, Chair GPM Executive Committee, and Ivo Daalder, Chair GPM Advisory Committee and supported by the moderators of the debates.
‣ 17.30 - 18.15
- Drinks
‣ 20.30
- Buffet and live jazz music at the jazz club Hipnoza, Sejmu Slaskiego 2, Katowice 40-032.