The Global Parliament of Mayors is a governance body of, by and for mayors from all continents with a vision to the world in which mayors, their cities and networks are equal partners in building global governance for an inclusive and sustainable world

U7 Brings Urban Perspective to G7 Sustainable Urban Development Ministers Meeting in Takamatsu, Kagawa

Categories: Media, Press releases|

10 July 2023 - Representing the Urban7, Mayor Kizō Hisamoto (Kobe, Japan) joined G7 ministers for urban development in Takamatsu, Kagawa to address pressing issues facing cities. The meeting, which took place from July 7-9, [...]

UN Habitat General Assembly Side Event: Responding to Climate, Nature, and Pollution Emergencies through Urbanization and Multilevel Action

Categories: Media|

31 May 2023 - The GPM will co-host, alongside ICLEI and UN-Habitat the side event Responding to Climate, Nature, and Pollution Emergencies through Urbanization and Multilevel Action at the 2nd UN Habitat Assembly (UNHA2) taking place [...]

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