Orlando announcement Global Parliament of Mayors Summit in Palermo


Orlando: l’assessorato al turismo è funzionale a sviluppo città “Nessun arretramento per il turismo anzi un riposizionamento per renderlo sempre più produttivo e funzionale allo sviluppo della Città”. È questo il pensiero del sindaco di Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, manifestato nel corso di una conversazione telefonica domenicale per commentare l’editoriale di Travelnostop.com pubblicato venerdì scorso. Orlando, dunque, [...]

Orlando announcement Global Parliament of Mayors Summit in Palermo2020-02-25T11:46:47+01:00

Mannheim at the UN Forum for the Global Parliament of Mayors


Stadt Mannheim wirbt bei UN-Forum für Parlament der Bürgermeister 08. Februar 2020 Autor: dpa Mannheim/Abu Dhabi.Die Stadt Mannheim setzt sich beim diesjährigen World Urban Forum der Vereinten Nationen in Abu Dhabi für einen verstärkten Austausch von Bürgermeistern weltweit ein. Ziel der Initiative ist, Bürgermeister und Städte bei der Lösung globaler Fragen stärker mit einzubeziehen - etwa [...]

Mannheim at the UN Forum for the Global Parliament of Mayors2020-02-11T15:19:11+01:00

Look to cities, not nation-states, to solve our biggest challenges


This article is part of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Written by Robert Muggah, Principal, SecDev Group, Co-Chair of the GPM Advisory Committee       The world in 2020 is looking more turbulent and uncertain than ever. Powerful economic, demographic and technological forces are rewiring international politics. According to the World Economic Forum's [...]

Look to cities, not nation-states, to solve our biggest challenges2020-01-27T13:27:11+01:00

Cities using the SDGs to reduce urban violence


Rachel Locke, Anthony F. Pipa, and Max BouchetWednesday, December 18, 2019 This article was informed by discussions at the Fall 2019 meeting of the Brookings SDG Leadership Cities Network, hosted by Mexico City. Despite growing prosperity as a leading urban center in Latin America, Mexico City is confronting “a crisis situation in … terms of violence,” according [...]

Cities using the SDGs to reduce urban violence2024-12-04T17:30:25+01:00

Faculty research advances global Mayor’s network


Author: Chrystie F. Swiney, Georgetown Global Cities Initiative Doctoral Fellow A delegation of Georgetown faculty and researchers traveled to Durban, South Africa to support the annual meeting of the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM). Hosted on the southern coast of the African continent, the summit reflected the rising ambition of mayors to unite not simply [...]

Faculty research advances global Mayor’s network2019-12-16T16:27:35+01:00

Pact of Free Cities


Pact of Free Cities: Die wachsende Union der Kommunen Während die Speerspitzen des Liberalismus und der Privatisierung nun – angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Zuspitzung – über die Möglichkeiten der Krise räsonieren, bereiten sich andere im Stillen für neue Foren politischer Bündnisse wie Entscheidungsfindung vor. Der badische Putschist war dieser Tage auf einem Podium zu vernehmen, wie [...]

Pact of Free Cities2020-02-12T16:17:28+01:00

U.S. Delegation of Mayors to Attend Global Parliament of Mayors in Durban, South Africa


Washington, DC – This weekend, from November 9th to 11th, a delegation of mayors from the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) will join dozens of mayors representing cities from across the globe at the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) in Durban, South Africa. The annual summit will bring together city leaders and international experts to discuss city leadership and [...]

U.S. Delegation of Mayors to Attend Global Parliament of Mayors in Durban, South Africa2019-11-27T13:25:26+01:00

GPM Durban Declaration Health: Center for Global Health Science and Security


Global Parliament of Mayors 2019 The 2019 Annual Summit of the Global Parliament of Mayors was held from November 9-11 in Durban, South Africa and brought together city leaders and international experts to discuss city leadership and key global challenges at a local level. The Center for Global Health Science and Security supported [...]

GPM Durban Declaration Health: Center for Global Health Science and Security2019-11-25T14:59:24+01:00

GPM appoints Peter Kurz as new Chair


                          This article is in German. 19. November 2019 veröffentlicht von Alina Eisenhardt Read the original article here: https://rheinneckarblog.de/19/global-parliament-of-mayors-waehlt-ob-dr-kurz-zum-neuen-vorsitzenden/153854.html Mannheim, 19. November 2019. (red/pm) Bei der Jahreshauptversammlung des Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM), die vom 09. bis 11. November im südafrikanischen Durban stattfand, wurde Oberbürgermeister [...]

GPM appoints Peter Kurz as new Chair2020-01-07T11:41:27+01:00
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