GPM Welcomes Mayor Ion Ceban of Chișinău, Moldova


15 September 2023-  The GPM is delighted to welcome Mayor Ion Ceban of Chisinau, Moldova.  Mayor Ion Ceban is a Moldovan politician, current mayor of Chișinău, the capital of Moldova. He is also the leader of pro-European National Alternative Movement party (Mișcarea Alternativa Națională or MAN). Mayor Ceban was Vice President of the Moldovan parliament [...]

GPM Welcomes Mayor Ion Ceban of Chișinău, Moldova2023-09-14T16:33:28+02:00

GPM Welcomes Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis of Athens, Greece


14 September 2023-  The GPM is delighted to welcome Mayor Kosta Bakoyannis of Athens, Greece.  Kostas Bakoyannis studied history and international relations at Brown University in Rhode Island and graduated from Harvard with a Masters in Public Administration. Mayor Bakoyannis previously served as mayor of the town of Karpenisi in Evrytania, later he was popularly elected [...]

GPM Welcomes Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis of Athens, Greece2023-09-14T11:16:26+02:00

Rainer Kern is appointed as new GPM Executive Director


The Global Parliament of Mayors  has named Rainer Kern as its new Executive Director, succeeding Caroline Schep, who recently stepped down. Kern, an experienced leader in international governance and urban affairs, will bring fresh perspectives to the organization. GPM Chair Mayor Rio praises the role both of them had in the organization: “Caroline Schep is [...]

Rainer Kern is appointed as new GPM Executive Director2023-09-12T10:04:41+02:00

Webinar: Caring Cities: Youth Engagement in Policy Development, Democratic Processes, and the Labor Market


The Global Parliament of Mayors and the City of Monrovia are joining forces to host an insightful webinar titled Caring Cities: Youth Engagement in Policy Development, Democratic Processes, and the Labor Market. The webinar scheduled for September 15 at 15:00 CEST and will focus on policies that cities can enact to foster the engagement of [...]

Webinar: Caring Cities: Youth Engagement in Policy Development, Democratic Processes, and the Labor Market2023-09-06T14:48:51+02:00

GPM Welcomes Mayor António Loureiro of Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal


09 August 2023 -  The GPM is delighted to welcome Mayor António Loureiro of Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal.   Mayor António Loureiro was elected to the position of mayor of the city of Albergaria-a-Velha in 2013. Earlier, he served as councillor of the municipality from 2009 until 2013. He is the Chairman of the Board of the [...]

GPM Welcomes Mayor António Loureiro of Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal2023-08-09T11:31:07+02:00

Ian Klaus, Founding Director of Carnegie California, named GPM Advisory Committee Chair


25 July 2023 - Ian Klaus will take on the Chair-position of the Advisory Committee of the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM). He succeeds Ivo Daalder (President of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs), who led the committee from 2021. Ian Klaus is founding director of Carnegie California and leading scholar on the nexus of [...]

Ian Klaus, Founding Director of Carnegie California, named GPM Advisory Committee Chair2023-07-25T15:12:58+02:00

Mayors’ Declaration for Better Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response


12 July 2023 - The Global Parliament of Mayors and the Geneva Cities Hub are calling on mayors from around the world to sign the Mayors' Declaration for Better Pandemic Prevention, Preparednes, and Response. This crucial initiative aims to strengthen collaboration between cities, international organizations, and member states to ensure a more effective response to [...]

Mayors’ Declaration for Better Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response2023-07-24T14:13:42+02:00

Mayor’s Declaration for Better Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response


04 July 2023 - The Global Parliament of Mayors and Geneva Cities Hub are joining forces to host an insightful webinar titled "Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response: Mayors' Voices Matter." This webinar, scheduled for July 11, 2023, at 3pm CEST, aims to highlight the crucial role of mayors in effectively addressing pandemics within their cities. [...]

Mayor’s Declaration for Better Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response2023-07-19T09:54:56+02:00

U7 Brings Urban Perspective to G7 Sustainable Urban Development Ministers Meeting in Takamatsu, Kagawa


10 July 2023 - Representing the Urban7, Mayor Kizō Hisamoto (Kobe, Japan) joined G7 ministers for urban development in Takamatsu, Kagawa to address pressing issues facing cities. The meeting, which took place from July 7-9, marked the second time that a mayor has directly participated in a G7 ministerial meeting. In 2022, Mayor Peter Kurz [...]

U7 Brings Urban Perspective to G7 Sustainable Urban Development Ministers Meeting in Takamatsu, Kagawa2023-07-10T15:37:13+02:00

Mayoral Debate on Empowering Cities achieves global reach at BUS23


21 June 2023 - The Global Parliament of Mayors hosted a debate on the topic of “Empowering Cities: Co-Decision, Capacity and Capital” during the Brussels Urban Summit 2023. This debate brought together mayors and representatives of international city networks with the purpose of discussing the three C´s of Empowering Cities: Co-Decision, Capacity & Capital. The [...]

Mayoral Debate on Empowering Cities achieves global reach at BUS232023-06-21T10:02:45+02:00
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