Global Parliament of Mayors gather for the Bristol Declaration 2018


Bristol, 23 October 2018 - More than 80 mayors and city network leaders from six continents gathered in Bristol to convene on the topics of migration, urban security and health, reflecting the pressing issues of the world. The outcome of the debates between mayors led to the Bristol Declaration of the 2018 Annual Summit of the [...]

Global Parliament of Mayors gather for the Bristol Declaration 20182018-10-30T16:12:12+01:00

Mayors Zandile Gumede and Daviz Simango share 2018 Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award


Bristol – 21 October. The 2018 Annual Summit of the Global Parliament of Mayors kicked off Sunday evening at the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery by awarding not one by two Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Awards. Mayor Zandile Gumede of Durban, South Africa was awarded for her devotion to human rights, health, safety, [...]

Mayors Zandile Gumede and Daviz Simango share 2018 Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award2018-10-22T11:52:11+02:00

Mayors from around the world sign up for the largest Global Parliament of Mayors Summit which will be held in Bristol, UK


The Hague/Bristol – September, 2018. Up to 100 mayors from around the world will participate in the largest and most ambitious Global Parliament of Mayors Summit which will be held in Bristol this autumn (21 to 23 October). The three day event will focus on tackling key global challenges such as migration, urban security and [...]

Mayors from around the world sign up for the largest Global Parliament of Mayors Summit which will be held in Bristol, UK2018-09-26T14:32:06+02:00

GPM supports cities advocating for the UN Global Compact on climate change and migration


The Hague, December 6, 2017 - Mayors from 50 cities around the world gathered in Chicago for a North America Climate Summit between 4-6 December 2017. They signed an unprecedented international declaration - the Chicago Climate Charter - that commits tens of millions of people to achieving the carbon emissions reductions targets set out in [...]

GPM supports cities advocating for the UN Global Compact on climate change and migration2017-12-06T18:24:32+01:00

GPM calls for protection and empowerment of migrant children


The Hague, December 4, 2017 - As politicians, experts and activists come together in Puerto Vallarta to start shaping the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) that will be adopted a year from now, the Global Parliament of Mayors calls on national leaders to rise to this occasion and commit to ambitious [...]

GPM calls for protection and empowerment of migrant children2017-12-04T11:33:09+01:00

Global Parliament of Mayors calls for moratorium on death penalty in cities


The Hague, November 27, 2017 - The death penalty is an unusually cruel and inhumane form of punishment. It constitutes a violation of the right to life and the right to live free of torture. The death penalty is often used politically, applied with an unequal hand in various judicial systems and demonstrably fails to deter crime. The Global [...]

Global Parliament of Mayors calls for moratorium on death penalty in cities2017-11-27T12:22:14+01:00

Global Parliament of Mayors stands in solidarity with targets COP23


The Hague, November 14, 2017 - As politicians and activists meet together for the COP23 summit in Bonn, the Global Parliament of Mayors stands in solidarity with the overwhelming majority of nations that have committed addressing climate change. Mayors are important allies in efforts to sharply reduce global carbon emissions, as cities and their communities [...]

Global Parliament of Mayors stands in solidarity with targets COP232017-11-14T09:42:23+01:00

From global to local to face challenges in cities


Stavanger, September 28, 2017 – Over 45 mayors and deputy mayors representing cities from around the globe, took part in the second Annual Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM). Local and tailored solutions to globally-shared challenges was the main theme during the two day deliberations in Stavanger (Norway). All mayors highlighted the role [...]

From global to local to face challenges in cities2017-09-28T14:17:39+02:00

Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award to Mayor Leoluca Orlando


Stavanger - September 25, 2017 - At the start of the Annual Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM), Mayor Leoluca Orlando (Palermo) received the Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award. Mayor Orlando is rewarded for his tireless endeavour to defend migrant rights and create a safer city by fighting organized crime. He advocates [...]

Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award to Mayor Leoluca Orlando2017-10-09T10:29:06+02:00

Statement: GPM stands in solidarity with the Mayor of El Hatillo Caracas, Venezuela


The Hague, September 22, 2017 - The GPM stands in solidarity with mayor David Smolansky, of El Hatillo (Caracas), who sought political asylum in Brazil on September 14, 2017.  Mayor Smolansky is a widely respected member of the opposition party, Mesa de Unidade Democrática (MUD). On 9 August 2017, Venezuela´s Supreme Tribunal for Justice (TSJ) sentenced mayor [...]

Statement: GPM stands in solidarity with the Mayor of El Hatillo Caracas, Venezuela2017-10-10T19:55:07+02:00
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