GPM in the News2019-11-18T12:47:08+01:00

GPM in the News

How reducing inequality will make our cities safer

02 Mar 2020 Authors: Robert Muggah Principal, SecDev Group Sameh Wahba Global Director, Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice, World Bank Overlapping forms of inequality contribute to violent victimization in cities, [...]

Cities using the SDGs to reduce urban violence

Rachel Locke, Anthony F. Pipa, and Max BouchetWednesday, December 18, 2019 This article was informed by discussions at the Fall 2019 meeting of the Brookings SDG Leadership Cities Network, hosted by Mexico City. Despite growing prosperity as [...]

Pact of Free Cities

Pact of Free Cities: Die wachsende Union der Kommunen Während die Speerspitzen des Liberalismus und der Privatisierung nun – angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Zuspitzung – über die Möglichkeiten der Krise räsonieren, bereiten sich andere im Stillen [...]

Meet the Mayors: Here are a few of the politicians arriving in Bristol for the Global Parliament of Mayors summit

Read the full article here: The third annual Global Parliament of Mayors summit will kick off in Bristol on Sunday. Up to 100 representatives from cities including Carolina, America; Cape Town, South Africa and [...]

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